Ring 07399 630006 to chat to Dave, our camp warden. Afternoons and early evenings are usually best.
email: braggers@christchurchscouts.org.uk
Post queries and forms to :
Braggers Wood Camping and Activity Centre
Braggers Lane, Bransgore, Christchurch BH23 8EF
About Us
Braggers Wood Camp and Activity Centre is run by Christchurch District Scouts. The land is leased from Lord Willie Manners on generous terms. His grandfather gave the first lease in 1965. We are grateful to the Manners family’s generosity over this extended period.
The site has a permanent warden and is managed by a sub-committee of Christchurch District’s executive. It has the full support of the district teams. There are staff who maintain the site and scouting volunteers who are permitted activity instructors.
Our lease precludes us from hiring to members of the public for camping or using the site for events.
Our membership number with The Scout Association is 10001315
We are a charity with the name of Christchurch District Scout Council, number 267706